What To Give Up for Lent In London

1. Complaining

There are a plenty of things that Londoners complain about. Rush hour traffic, the weather, long work hours, other Londoners, property prices, pollution. We just love a good moan! Maybe lent could be a good opportunity to go cold turkey on the complaining. But the commute this morning was a nightmare!

2. Sweet Treats

One of the most common things to give up for Lent is sugar but with some of the best cake shops in the world located in the Capital, quitting the sweet stuff could be very tough. Perhaps plan an alternative route to work to avoid the temptation of popping in to your favourite patisserie for an iced bun.

3. Television

Our TV time as a city has sky rocketed over the last year for reasons we don’t really need to explain. However as London life regains some kind of normality and we are no longer confined to our homes, perhaps it’s time to take a break from binge watching Netflix series and start making the most of all that London has to offer.

4. Gossiping

We think that giving up the gossip is a great choice for Lent and the truth is, it’s something most of us have been guilty of it at some point in our lives. But have you ever consciously tried to stop? You may find that when you do, it’s more difficult than you imagined! Take on the challenge of going gossip free for 40 days and let us know how it goes. (We promise we won’t tell anyone).

7. Shopping

Why not try going 40 days without making any frivolous purchases? Our capital is a veritable mecca for shopaholics, and it’s just so easy to be sucked into a department store or one of London’s many markets and shop till you drop. If shopping is hurting your bank balance, then take the opportunity to be frugal and cut up those credit cards for Lent!

8. Takeaway Coffee

Whether we are on the tube, walking in the park or standing at the bus stop a lovely, warm, creamy coffee gets us through our busy London lives. Rather than buying constant takeaway coffees however, you could make your coffee at home, put it in a thermos and drink that. You’d be helping the environment and you’d be saving yourself £3 every time you need a caffeine hit. It’s worth a shot!

9. Excuses To Not Work Out

Stop making up excuses not to exercise in London, because there are no excuses! This city has so many options for keeping fit and healthy. Whether it’s dancing, yoga, climbing, bootcamps, walking, boating or hula hooping, you are guaranteed to find what takes your fancy.

Love these Lent ideas? Then you’ll love our instagram. Follow us there for daily inspiration on all things London.

Have a great weekend everyone,

The London Living Editorial Team.


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