London Grilling: Susan Hayes, Superarts Academy

London Living chats to the Artistic Director of Superarts Academy, about Colourful Elephant.

London has been a sombre city over the last couple of weeks, as we all grieved the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Many, ourselves included, decided to pause all online activity during the official period of mourning, as a mark of respect for our beloved monarch.

Our instagram and blog have now been switched back on however, and this week we’ve been busy shining a light on life in the diverse and vibrant neighbourhood of Elephant & Castle, as the local community prepares for a fantastic event, called Colourful Elephant.

Taking place in Castle Square this Saturday (tomorrow!), Colourful Elephant is completely free and open to all ages of the local community and Londoners. The day will be a joyous celebration of creativity and colour, full of performances, activities, workshops, music and food for all of the family to enjoy. (We also have it on good authority that a bubbleologist will be putting visitors into giant bubbles so watch out kids!) 

The traders of Castle Square will also be getting involved, with local eateries such as Coma Y Beba, Original Caribbean Spice, Daddy O’s and Kaieteur Kitchen offering visitors 10% discount on their favourite authentic dishes from all around the world.

One of the highlights of Colourful Elephant, will be a theatrical performance from Superarts Academy, who will be narrating the fascinating story of Elephant and Castle. 

To find out more about what the students have planned for the big day, we chatted to Susan Hayes, Artistic Director of Superarts Academy. 

From left to right, picture depicts Mike (father), Susan and Irene Hayes (Mother)

Over the last 40 years Susan has danced, choreographed, directed and produced fashion and commercial shows all over the world, as well as performed in four Royal Command performances. She was in the original cast of 'EVITA' and appeared in numerous TV shows with the stars of the day. She is also a qualified psychotherapist, with 20 years of practice in London. 

Read on to learn about Susan’s inspiring work with Superarts Academy, how the students have been preparing for their upcoming performance at Colourful Elephant and more, in this week’s London Grilling.

Hi Susan, tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Susan Hayes, and I was born in Southwark, very close to Elephant & Castle. Having lived in various areas of London during my life, I returned to this area in 2015. 

How, when and why did you come to be involved in the school? What attracted you to the role and what do you love most about the work that you do for the academy today? 

My mother Irene Hayes BEM, founded Superarts Academy, then known as The Irene Hayes School of Dance. I attended her classes, then assisted her, then choreographed for her and now I manage the school.The school has played such a big part in my life, and I still remain friends with my peers who attended my Mum’s classes. The students are the main attraction. Seeing them explore and develop their dance and performance skills, as well as their confidence and creativity is both inspiring and motivating. 

Superarts Academy is 60 years old this year! Can you tell us a little bit about how it all started back in 1962? Who founded the academy?

My mother Irene Hayes BEM, founded the school in 1962. She was a local girl, with a passion for helping local children who wanted to dance, regardless of their cultural, and financial backgrounds. Her BEM was awarded by HM The Queen in 2018, for her services to dance and the community of Southwark. It was a well deserved award. Originally she produced annual shows at Manor Place Baths, local to Elephant & Castle, when the swimming pool would be covered and a stage erected. Fun times! Later we moved our productions to The Greenwood Theatre close to London Bridge. Our last production there was in 2019. 

What is the purpose and mission of the school today and how does it continue to serve the local community?

The Superarts Academy mission is to provide students, and the wider community, with a life enhancing, practical, & educative experience of Dance & Performance while promoting health and supporting the students well-being. We work with young people, fostering their creative potential regardless of race, culture, socio-economic or religious background. Our students are encouraged to work in a cooperative manner, with kindness, openness and curiosity. Today Superarts continues its work within the local community by offering a high standard of performing classes, with teachers who themselves have worked in the industry. We provide many performance opportunities for our students and also work alongside charities, TRA’s, the council and other organisations, to promote the wellbeing of our youth. 

Colourful Elephant is tomorrow and the student’s performances are a big focal point of the event! How long have they been developing and rehearsing their narration of the Elephant and Castle story and how many students are involved in the production?

Rehearsals began in our usual classes when the new term began. Extra rehearsals were added due to the short length of rehearsal time on Sundays, and Wednesdays too. I can only thank our students and their families for hard work and commitment to this event. We have over 25 children performing in the shows tomorrow, and they are all so excited to perform for the community!

Can you tell us a little bit about what people can expect to see in their performance tomorrow? Are there any particular highlights of the performance for you? 

On hearing the script, and even though I’ve lived in this area most of my life, I was very interested to hear the stories and believe the audience will be too. There will be 3 shows on Saturday at Castle Square; 12.00, 1.30 and 3.00pm. The audience will learn things about the area they live in, and will, I hope, be delighted by our students who have worked so hard to make this production happen - especially look out for our younger students who, for me, are the highlight of the show. 

What else are you looking forward to at Colourful Elephant?

I’m looking forward to the parents, families and local community being entertained and hope they enjoy the show as much as we have enjoyed putting it together. The atmosphere at Castle Square is always energetic, inclusive and welcoming. I’m also interested in trying all the different foods available!

Describe your perfect day in Elephant & Castle 

My perfect day in the Elephant & Castle would begin with a swim at the Elephant & Castle Leisure Centre, breakfast at Pret, followed by some time in the park listening to the fountains. A Pilates class later in the day would be followed by dinner at either the pizzeria in Castle Square, or one of the restaurants in Sayer Street. 

Thank you for chatting to us Susan, good luck to the students of Superarts Academy and see you tomorrow at Castle Square!

Event Details:

Saturday 24th September from 11am-5pm

Location: Castle Square in Zone 1’s Elephant and Castle

Cost: FREE


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London Grilling: Sharon Hadley, Oxford Mindfulness Foundation.


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